In order to use services protected by Banyan, users need to be registered to their companies organization. The registration process can fail for various reasons. This doc outlines common causes of device registration failing.
Problem Description
Users need to be able to reach on port 8118 to retrieve their organizations configuration. The Banyan Admin Service (banyanapp-admin) is the administrative component of the Banyan app. It is responsible for any functionalities in the Banyan app that require administrative privileges.
Troubleshooting steps
Is banyanapp-admin running on port 8118? If port 8118 is being used by another process, that process will need to be terminated.
1. Open an Administrator Command Prompt and enter "netstat -ano | findstr "8118"
Example output: TCP LISTENING 7032 <-- this is the Process ID
2. Then enter "tasklist | findstr "7032" <--Process ID
Example output: banyanapp-admin.exe 7032 Services 0 28,244 K
3. If the process is not banyanapp-admin, terminate the process by entering "taskkill /F /PID 7032"
4. Quit the Banyan application and reopen it.
1. In your CLI, run lsof -i tcp:8118. This will indicate which process is currently running on port 8118.
2. In your CLI, enter kill [process number].
3. Run the Banyan desktop app installer again, and log into the desktop app.
Users will now be able to enter the invite code and register to their companies organization.
Further Reading
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